Thursday, November 11, 2004

Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead!

The announcement was made today that Yasser Arafat died early this morning. A lot of media people and world leaders are giving tributes to him say he was a great leader. They all seem to forget the fact that HE WAS A TERRORIST!!!!! He was responsible for the deaths of the Israeli Olympic team in Munich in 1972. He has a lot of innocent blood on his hands for which he has to answer. He was the father of the modern terrorist. He started hijackings and suicide bombers. If he were a great leader he would have accepted the settlement deal made in 1990. The man wasn't even a Palestinian, he was Egyptian. He was born in Cairo. I can't shed an tears for his passing. Maybe now there will be peace. I doubt if it will happen though, at least not until the treaty made with Israel by the Ant-Christ.

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