Friday, August 26, 2005

The Fight Is Over

Dad lost his fight with cancer this morning at 8:15. My mom, sisters, and I were all with him when he passed. Linda called about 6:30 and said the nurse had told her Dad's passing was close, up to 24 hours away. Mom and I figured we had some time before we needed to go to the hospice. About an hour later Linda called again and said the nurse had come back and said that Dad's passing was very close and that we should get there as soon as possible. The hospice is only about ten minutes away, so we got there just after 7:30. I called my pastor, Alan, right after we got there and told him and he came right away and got there a half hour before Dad passed. Alan got the chance to pray with Dad one last time. I'm glad he got that chance. Dad prayed to accept Jesus as his savior not too long after he was told there was nothing more the doctor could do for him. That was my main wish for him.

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